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Directions in Mirrors
December 12th 2008 - January 25th 2009
TWT is pleased to welcome you to Runa Nymoen Sandnes’ first solo exhibition.

The exhibition “Directions in Mirrors” makes use of Tøyen Subway station in a spacious, formal and decorative way. By the use of drawings in mirrors that partly reflect the surrounding room and partly allude to other spaces and other contexts, Sandnes seeks to create an aesthetic experience where the viewer is pulled into the image.

The mirror is seen as the main symbol of vanity and desire and Sandnes’ motives have been everything from pin-up models and pop stars to precious stones and other valuable objects. The desire for beautiful and costly objects to decorate one selves with has its parallel in the art world where art and design are important objects of status reflecting the marked of vanity.

TWT is located in a busy passageway that leads down to the station area. “Directions in Mirrors” is first and foremost meant to target the passengers that pass in and out of the station.
The drawings reflect the windows on the other side of the passage at the same time as they pertain to other buildings and spaces. The motives are weaved into each other and appear as surrealistic, dreamlike rooms and directions.

Sandnes has for many years been occupied by a technique of drawing in mirrors where portions of the surface is scratched away, so that parts of the mirror become transparent. This technique generates a play between the lines, the mirroring and the transparency. That which is behind the mirror blends in with that which is reflected.
The inside of the showcases at TWT are painted the same colour as the backsides of the mirrors and small mirrors enable us to see surface of the backsides of the large mirrors which gives the viewer a feeling of being “inside a mirror”.

Runa Nymoen Sandnes has her education from Statens Håndverk- og Kunstindustri skole (The Faculty of Design and Arts) and Camberwell College of Art and Design in London.
Runa Sandnes